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Úvod » GRAMOFONY/příslušenství » Přenosky » SUMIKO Blue Point No.2™


SUMIKO Blue Point No.2™



MC gramofonová přenoska

naše cena bez DPH: 12 719 Kč

naše cena s DPH(21 %): 15 390 Kč

Číslo produktu: 921
Výrobce: SUMIKO
  • Type: High-Output MC
  • Frequency Response: 15Hz - 35kHz
  • Output Voltage: 2.5 mV
  • Load Impedance: 47k ohms
  • Channel Seperation: 35dB at 1kHz
  • Channel Balance: 0.5 at 1kHz
  • Cantilever: Aluminum
  • Stylus Type: Elliptical
  • Compliance: 15 x 10-6 cm/dyne
  • Tracking Force Range: 1.6 - 2.0 grams
  • Recommended Force: 1.8 grams
  • Cartridge Weight: 6.3 grams
Blue Point No.2
Offering exceptional performance
and musicality at an affordable
price, the latest generation Blue
Point No.2 sets a new performance
standard for the audiophile on a
budget. The inherent correctness
of the impeccable mechanical and
electrical design of the Blue Point
No.2 allows this flexible performer
to be compatible with virtually any
tonearm and moving magnet phono
stage. This unique high output
design features an alloy cantilever,
elliptical diamond stylus with
exceptional tracking capability.